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Article summary:

1. Deep learning has achieved great success in image classification, but designing the optimal network structure for different applications is a challenge.

2. Neural Architecture Search (NAS) aims to automatically search for the best deep learning architecture, but initial NAS methods require significant computational resources.

3. Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search (EvoNAS) combines Evolutionary Algorithms with NAS and uses parameter sharing to accelerate the search process. The proposed EvoNAS-Rep algorithm achieves state-of-the-art performance in image classification tasks.

Article analysis:


首先,文章没有提及其他神经架构搜索方法的优点和缺点。它只关注了Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search (EvoNAS)方法,并未对其他方法进行充分比较和评估。这可能导致读者对该方法的效果和适用性有所误解。



