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Article summary:

1. Knowing which English words to learn first is important for mastering the language.

2. Research shows that by knowing 100-2000 English words, we can understand a significant portion of texts and speeches.

3. The frequency table and level of usefulness of English words can help us make smart decisions about which words to prioritize in our learning.

Article analysis:

The article provides useful information about the number of English words needed to achieve fluency and which words should be prioritized for learning. However, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration that need to be addressed.

Firstly, the article relies heavily on computer research and statistical analysis to determine the frequency and usefulness of English words. While this approach can provide valuable insights, it may not take into account the nuances and context-specific meanings of certain words. For example, a word like "love" may be used frequently in English but can have different connotations depending on the situation or culture.

Secondly, the article does not address the importance of learning grammar alongside vocabulary. While knowing a large number of words is certainly helpful, without proper grammar knowledge, it may be difficult to use them correctly in sentences or understand more complex texts.

Additionally, the article does not explore potential counterarguments or alternative approaches to language learning. For example, some experts argue that focusing on reading extensively in a foreign language can help improve vocabulary acquisition more effectively than memorizing lists of words.

Furthermore, there is no mention of potential risks or challenges associated with language learning. For example, some learners may struggle with pronunciation or understanding regional accents even if they have a large vocabulary.

Overall, while the article provides useful information about English vocabulary acquisition, it would benefit from addressing potential biases and considering alternative perspectives on language learning.