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Article summary:

1. Grit and resilience are non-cognitive factors that can help explain why some people achieve more success than others.

2. Studies have found that grit and resilience can be developed over time, and that higher levels of grit are associated with higher resiliency during the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. Nursing students need to develop grit and resilience in order to successfully complete their coursework and clinical experiences.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable, as it provides evidence from multiple studies to support its claims about the importance of grit and resilience among undergraduate nursing students during the COVID 19 pandemic. The article also acknowledges potential biases in the studies it cites, such as age being a factor in grit scores among college students (Barbouta et al., 2020). Additionally, the article does not present any one-sided reporting or unsupported claims; instead, it presents both sides of an argument equally by citing research from multiple sources.

The article could be improved by exploring counterarguments more thoroughly, as well as providing more evidence for its claims about the importance of developing grit and resilience among nursing students during the pandemic. Additionally, while the article does mention potential risks associated with nursing work (e.g., heavy workloads), it does not provide any detailed information on how these risks can be mitigated or managed. Finally, while the article does provide some information on how to foster the development of grit and resilience in nursing students (e.g., support from friends, family and faculty), it could benefit from providing more specific strategies for doing so.