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Article summary:

1. There is a lack of organizations dedicated to helping men and boys in Poland, despite the fact that men live 8 years less than women.

2. There are many issues facing men and boys, such as lower educational attainment, poor reading skills, workplace accidents, unequal retirement age, and lack of contact with children after divorce.

3. The Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Chłopców i Mężczyzn has been created to address these issues by raising awareness and providing support for men and boys.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in its reporting of the issues facing men and boys in Poland. It provides evidence for its claims about the differences in life expectancy between men and women, as well as the differences in educational attainment between genders. It also provides a detailed overview of the various issues facing men and boys, such as workplace accidents, unequal retirement age, lack of contact with children after divorce, etc., which are all supported by evidence from other sources.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided in its reporting; it presents both sides of the issue fairly equally. It acknowledges that there are some organizations already working to help men and boys but argues that more needs to be done to raise awareness about these issues. The article also mentions the Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Chłopców i Mężczyzn organization but does not appear to be promotional or partial towards it; rather it simply states that this organization has been created to address these issues by raising awareness and providing support for men and boys.

The article does not appear to have any missing points of consideration or unexplored counterarguments; it covers all relevant points thoroughly. Additionally, possible risks associated with these issues are noted throughout the article. Therefore overall this article appears to be trustworthy and reliable in its reporting on the issues facing men and boys in Poland.