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Article summary:

1. The Bank of Japan (BOJ) is reportedly considering tweaking its yield curve control policy to allow long-term interest rates to rise beyond its current cap of 0.5%.

2. This potential shift in policy comes as Japan's inflation rate, which is now higher than that of the US, remains sticky and the BOJ seeks a more flexible approach.

3. The announcement caused a spike in volatility, with stocks dumping and yields and the yen spiking, as investors reacted to the possibility of changes in BOJ policy.

Article analysis:

The article from ZeroHedge discusses the potential for the Bank of Japan (BOJ) to tweak its Yield Curve Control policy, which could lead to a rise in long-term interest rates. The author highlights the recent volatility in the yen and speculates on the consequences of such a move by the BOJ.

One potential bias in the article is its negative tone towards the BOJ's previous attempts to tweak its Yield Curve Control policy. The author refers to it as a "catastrophic" consequence and suggests that the BOJ had to spend billions of dollars to avoid a collapse in the JGB market. However, there is no evidence provided to support these claims or explain why it would be catastrophic.

The article also mentions that Japan's inflation is now above that of the US but argues that it won't be sustainable due to Japan's demographic doom loop. However, this claim is not supported by any evidence or analysis of Japan's demographic situation.

Furthermore, the article suggests that the Nikkei's decision to report on what will be discussed at the BOJ meeting is an attempt to stop out yen bears before the yen resumes its plunge. This claim seems speculative and lacks evidence.

The article also fails to provide a balanced view by only focusing on potential risks and negative consequences of tweaking Yield Curve Control. It does not explore potential benefits or counterarguments for such a move.

Overall, this article from ZeroHedge appears biased against any changes to BOJ's Yield Curve Control policy and presents speculative claims without sufficient evidence or analysis. It lacks balance and fails to consider alternative perspectives or counterarguments.