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Article summary:

1. Gibraltar is a British overseas territory located at the southern end of the Spanish peninsula, and it was not included in the permanent post-Brexit deal.

2. The people of Gibraltar are fiercely patriotic, but they voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU in 2016's referendum.

3. Talks between the UK and EU over Gibraltar's future relationship have been sensitive, and Gibraltar's chief minister Fabian Picardo is at the table too.

Article analysis:

The article “Gibraltar struggles with post-Brexit limbo - BBC News” provides an overview of the current situation in Gibraltar following Brexit negotiations. The article is written from a neutral point of view, providing both sides of the story without taking any particular stance or promoting any particular agenda. It does a good job of presenting both sides equally, noting that while most Gibraltarians are fiercely patriotic and pro-British, they also voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU in 2016's referendum.

The article also does a good job of exploring counterarguments and potential risks associated with Brexit negotiations for Gibraltar, such as increased border control which could make everyday life more difficult for those who regularly cross into Spain for work or family visits. It also mentions potential political changes that could affect negotiations later this year when Spain elects a new government.

The only potential issue with this article is that it does not provide any evidence to support its claims about how people feel about Brexit negotiations or their views on sovereignty. However, given that this is an opinion piece rather than a news report, this lack of evidence can be forgiven as it is likely based on personal experience and interviews with locals rather than hard facts or statistics.

In conclusion, this article provides an accurate overview of the current situation in Gibraltar following Brexit negotiations without taking any particular stance or promoting any particular agenda. It presents both sides equally and explores counterarguments and potential risks associated with Brexit negotiations for Gibraltar without relying on hard facts or statistics to support its claims.