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Article summary:

1. Smartctl is a tool used to view and detect disk hardware information, which can print SMART self-test and error logs, enable and disable SMRAT auto detection, and initialize device self-test.

2. Smartctl can be used to query disk information in non-direct mode by calling the corresponding interface of the RAID card.

3. The server environment generally mounts disks through RAID cards. If the direct mode is configured, smartctl can be used to query disk information. If it is not in direct mode, it needs to call the corresponding interface of the RAID card to query the disk information.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of how to use smartctl for locating disk failure information in server environments with RAID cards. The article is well written and provides clear instructions on how to use smartctl for this purpose. It also explains how to turn off cache for SATA and SAS disks as well as how to identify disks using ipmitool chassis identify command.

The article appears reliable as it provides detailed instructions on how to use smartctl for locating disk failure information in server environments with RAID cards. The instructions are easy to follow and understand, making them suitable for readers who may not have much technical knowledge or experience with using smartctl or RAID cards. Additionally, the article does not appear biased or promotional in any way; instead it provides an objective overview of how to use smartctl for this purpose without any attempt at persuasion or manipulation of readers’ opinions or beliefs about this topic.

In conclusion, this article appears trustworthy and reliable as it provides clear instructions on how to use smartctl for locating disk failure information in server environments with RAID cards without any bias or promotional content present in its text.