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Article summary:

1. Microsoft is investing $10 billion into OpenAI, a hot AI lab with the product ChatGPT, and is rumored to be adding ChatGPT to its Bing search engine.

2. Microsoft's investment in OpenAI could help it become the leader in the artificial intelligence industry, as Google faces multiple antitrust lawsuits.

3. Google has been working on AI offerings for years and has some of the best ones, but has held back on giving them public demonstrations due to concerns about safety and responsibility.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of how Microsoft’s investment in OpenAI could help it become a leader in the artificial intelligence industry, as Google faces multiple antitrust lawsuits. The article does provide some evidence for its claims, such as Wedbush analyst Daniel Ivess’ statement that ChatGPT is a “potential game changer” for Microsoft and that they are “not going to repeat the same mistakes” of missing out on social and mobile two decades ago. However, there are several points of consideration that are not explored or discussed in the article.

First, while it is true that Google faces multiple antitrust lawsuits from various government entities, it is important to note that these cases have yet to be decided upon by a court of law and may not necessarily result in any action against Google. Additionally, while Microsoft’s investment in OpenAI may give them an edge over Google in terms of artificial intelligence technology, it is unclear whether this will translate into success for Microsoft or if other factors such as consumer preference will play a role in determining which company ultimately succeeds in this space.

Furthermore, while the article does mention that Google has developed Transformer technology which ChatGPT is built on (GPT stands for Generative Prediction Transformer), it fails to mention any potential risks associated with using this technology or any potential ethical considerations related to its use. Additionally, while the article mentions that Google acquired DeepMind before OpenAI even existed, it does not explore any potential implications of this acquisition or how it might affect competition between Microsoft and Google in terms of artificial intelligence technology.

In conclusion, while this article provides an interesting overview of how Microsoft’s investment in OpenAI could potentially give them an edge over Google when it comes to artificial intelligence technology, there are several points of consideration which are not explored or discussed within the article which should be taken into account when evaluating its trustworthiness and reliability.