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Article summary:

1. This article explores the use of the R'AMATEL-MAIRCA method for green supply chain implementation in the electronics industry.

2. The paper proposes a rough number-based framework of DEMATEL-ANP and MAIRCA approaches for determining criteria weights and performing ranking of alternatives.

3. A Taiwanese electronics manufacturing company is used as a case study to validate the suggested framework for selecting appropriate green suppliers.

Article analysis:

The article “Evaluating the performance of suppliers based on using the R'AMATEL-MAIRCA method for green supply chain implementation in electronics industry” is an informative and well-researched piece that provides insights into how to effectively select green suppliers in GSCM perspectives. The authors have provided a comprehensive overview of existing literature on GSC supplier evaluation, as well as proposed a novel approach combining rough numbers, DEMATEL-ANP and MAIRCA methods for determining criteria weights and performing ranking of alternatives. Furthermore, they have conducted a case study to validate their proposed framework, which adds credibility to their findings.

In terms of trustworthiness and reliability, this article appears to be unbiased and objective in its reporting, presenting both sides equally without any promotional content or partiality. The authors have also noted potential risks associated with their proposed methodology, such as lack of quantitative information or dilemmas in decision making process. Additionally, they have explored counterarguments by providing an extensive review of existing literature on GSC supplier evaluation and discussed various MCDM models used in ranking alternative green suppliers taking into account environmental and management criteria.

However, there are some missing points of consideration that could be addressed in future research works related to this topic. For instance, more emphasis should be placed on exploring different types of data sets (e.g., qualitative vs quantitative) that can be used when applying the proposed methodology; further research should also focus on developing more robust models that can handle large amounts of data with greater accuracy; finally, it would be beneficial to explore other MCDM techniques (e.g., fuzzy logic) that could potentially improve the accuracy and efficiency of decision making processes related to GSCM implementation in electronics industry.