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Article summary:

1. The world has rejected the spiritual math of God and of spiritual goods, leading to a deadly math that divides and subtracts rather than multiplies and adds.

2. A materialistic culture ceases to appreciate human resources such as creativity, love, generosity, altruism, hope, laughter, faith, confidence, and companionship which are important in themselves and affect the physical world by enlarging possibilities through discovery and creativity.

3. The secular materialism spreads its math of diminishing resources which leads to fear, division, conflicts and ultimately death.

Article analysis:

The article "What Is the Math of Spiritual Goods and Why Is The World Such a Deadly Place Without It?" by Community in Mission argues that the world is becoming increasingly materialistic and secular, leading to a deadly math that has rejected the spiritual math of God and spiritual goods. The author defines spiritual math as a math that recalls that spiritual goods grow when shared, rather than diminishing through division and subtraction. The article warns against a culture that loses sight of this insight, becoming wholly focused on material goods while denigrating and marginalizing spiritual goods.

While the article makes some valid points about the importance of recognizing the value of spiritual goods, it presents an overly simplistic view of the relationship between materialism and violence. The author suggests that violence is primarily caused by a lack of appreciation for spiritual goods, but fails to acknowledge other factors such as political ideologies, historical conflicts, and power struggles.

Furthermore, the article's argument is based on unsupported claims and missing evidence. For example, the author asserts that atheistic and materialistic philosophies led to unprecedented levels of violence in the 20th century without providing any evidence to support this claim. Additionally, while acknowledging that people have died for religious reasons, the author fails to explore how religious conflicts can also be tied to material goods such as property and power.

The article also presents a one-sided view of secularism as solely focused on materialism and dismissive of spiritual goods. This ignores the fact that many secular individuals still value spirituality and recognize its importance in their lives.

Overall, while there are some valid insights in this article about the importance of recognizing spiritual goods, its oversimplification of complex issues and lack of evidence weaken its argument.