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Article summary:

1. MiR164b regulates iron uptake in Arabidopsis roots by repressing the expression of NAC domain transcription factor5 (NAC5) and Nuclear Factor Y, Subunit A8 (NFYA8) module.

2. Fe deficiency leads to the repression of miR164 expression in Arabidopsis roots, resulting in increased primary root length, lateral root number, ferric reductase activity, and mRNA abundance of IRT1 and FRO2.

3. The NAC5-NFYA8 module is involved in the transcriptional regulation of genes related to Fe homeostasis in Arabidopsis under Fe-deficient conditions. Overexpression of NAC5 or NFYA8 increases primary root length, lateral root number, ferric reductase activity, and mRNA abundance of IRT1 and FRO2 under Fe-deficient conditions.

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