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Article summary:

1. This article reports on a meeting of melanoma researchers held in Napoli, Italy in December 2014.

2. The report discusses the current state of research into mechanisms of drug resistance in melanoma and potential future directions for research.

3. The authors provide an overview of the topics discussed at the meeting, including immunotherapy, targeted therapies, and combination therapies.

Article analysis:

The article is written by a group of experts in the field of melanoma research and provides an overview of the topics discussed at a meeting held in Napoli, Italy in December 2014. The article is well-written and provides a comprehensive overview of the topics discussed at the meeting. However, it does not provide any detailed analysis or discussion of the evidence presented at the meeting or any critical evaluation of potential biases or unsupported claims made by participants. Additionally, there is no discussion of possible risks associated with drug resistance mechanisms or any exploration of counterarguments to the claims made by participants. Furthermore, there is no mention of any promotional content that may have been presented at the meeting or any partiality towards certain treatments over others. As such, while this article provides an informative overview of the topics discussed at this particular meeting, it does not provide a comprehensive assessment of all aspects related to drug resistance mechanisms in melanoma and should be read with caution when considering its implications for clinical practice.