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Article summary:

1. NewsGuard, a company that claims to rate online content for trustworthiness, has been accused of censoring and defunding independent media outlets through its business model.

2. The company's ratings are subjective and tend to favor corporate, establishment-friendly media while giving low scores to independent media skeptical of the establishment.

3. NewsGuard's advisory board includes pro-establishment figures, and its ratings are utilized by other parts of the censorship industry, including those funded by the US government.

Article analysis:

The article titled "How NewsGuard Became The Establishment Guard Against Independent Media" published on ZeroHedge makes several claims about NewsGuard, a company that rates online content for trustworthiness. The author argues that NewsGuard's business model leads to the defunding and censoring of independent media outlets. However, the article lacks evidence to support these claims and presents a biased view of NewsGuard.

Firstly, the article suggests that NewsGuard's ratings are subjective and biased towards establishment-friendly media outlets. It claims that independent media skeptical of the establishment tend to receive low scores, even if they adhere to high journalistic standards. However, the article fails to provide concrete examples or evidence to support this assertion. It relies on statements from conservative media watchdogs and individuals who have had negative experiences with NewsGuard without providing a balanced perspective.

The article also criticizes NewsGuard's criteria for rating media outlets, arguing that it is based on whether the content aligns with NewsGuard's own opinions rather than objective journalistic standards. Again, there is a lack of evidence or specific examples provided to support this claim. The author mentions one instance where NewsGuard initially considered the lab leak hypothesis regarding COVID-19 as false but later issued a correction. However, this does not prove that NewsGuard consistently applies its own biases in its ratings.

Furthermore, the article accuses NewsGuard of being part of a broader censorship industry that emerged in response to populist movements around the world. It suggests that NewsGuard is aligned with pro-establishment narratives and seeks to control information flow by targeting alternative news sources online. While it is important to critically examine any organization involved in rating and evaluating news sources, the article fails to provide substantial evidence or analysis to support these claims.

Overall, this article presents a one-sided and biased view of NewsGuard without providing sufficient evidence or analysis to support its claims. It relies heavily on anecdotal accounts and statements from individuals who have had negative experiences with NewsGuard, without considering alternative perspectives or providing a balanced assessment of the company's practices. As a result, readers should approach this article with caution and seek additional sources to form a more informed opinion about NewsGuard and its role in evaluating online content.