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Article summary:

1. The SLC20 and SLC34 families of proteins act as secondary-active cotransporters to transport inorganic phosphate (Pi) across cell membranes.

2. The SLC34 proteins are expressed in specific organs important for Pi homeostasis, while the SLC20 proteins are ubiquitously expressed in all tissues.

3. This review summarizes current knowledge of SLC20 and SLC34 proteins in terms of their basic molecular characteristics, physiological roles, known pathophysiology and pharmacology.

Article analysis:

The article “Phosphate transporters of the SLC20 and SLC34 families” is a comprehensive review of the two families of secondary-active cotransporters that transport inorganic phosphate (Pi) across cell membranes. The article provides an overview of the basic molecular characteristics, physiological roles, known pathophysiology and pharmacology associated with these two protein families.

The article is well-written and provides a thorough overview of the topic at hand. It is clear that the authors have conducted extensive research on this topic, as evidenced by their detailed descriptions and explanations. Furthermore, they provide numerous references to support their claims throughout the article.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided; rather it presents both sides equally and objectively. Additionally, it does not contain any promotional content or partiality towards either side of the argument presented in the article. Furthermore, possible risks associated with each protein family are noted throughout the text which adds to its trustworthiness and reliability.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy due to its comprehensive coverage of the topic at hand as well as its lack of bias or promotional content.