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Article summary:

1. Huizhou culture and Hui-style architecture: The article introduces the Huizhou region in eastern China, known for its traditional villages and unique Huizhou culture. Hui-style architecture is the material embodiment of this culture, originating in ancient times and flourishing during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

2. Challenges in preserving cultural ornaments: Due to a lack of resources and the integration of world culture, the preservation of traditional Chinese culture, including ornamental craftsmanship, has become challenging. The Huizhou three carvings (brick, stone, and wood carvings) are essential elements of Hui-style architecture but have gradually declined in recent times.

3. Importance and characteristics of Huizhou three carvings: The Huizhou three carvings are decorative carvings found in Ming- and Qing-era buildings in Huizhou. They combine the characteristics of Chinese painting with traditional arts and crafts, focusing on materials, techniques, and folklore culture. These carvings hold special cultural status in Huizhou and feature themes such as birds, flowers, dragons, lions, gardens, and opera figures.

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