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Article summary:

1. This paper proposes a novel technique for polar-code construction that no longer depends on sorting and selecting bit-channels by reliability.

2. The proposed method formulates the polar-code construction problem for the successive-cancellation list (SCL) decoder as a maze-traversing game, which can be solved by reinforcement learning techniques.

3. Simulation results show that the proposed game-based construction method finds code constructions that have lower frame-error rate for various code lengths and decoders compared to standard constructions.

Article analysis:

This article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its claims and evidence presented. The authors provide a detailed explanation of their proposed technique for polar-code construction, as well as an analysis of the simulation results showing its effectiveness compared to standard constructions. The authors also provide references to relevant literature throughout the article, which adds credibility to their claims and arguments.

The only potential issue with this article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative approaches to polar-code construction, which could have provided additional insight into the effectiveness of the proposed technique. Additionally, there is no discussion of possible risks associated with using this technique, such as increased complexity or decreased performance in certain scenarios. However, overall this article provides a thorough overview of the proposed technique and its potential benefits over existing methods.