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Article summary:

1. Apple is reportedly planning to upgrade the iPhone 15 Pro series with a brighter display panel, reaching up to 2500 nits.

2. The higher cost of the new iPhones will be due to increased production costs.

3. Apple CEO Tim Cook has stated that they are confident in their ability to convince consumers to pay more for iPhones.

Article analysis:

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall, as it provides evidence for its claims and does not appear to be biased or one-sided in its reporting. It cites Apple CEO Tim Cook's statement on the potential price increase of iPhones, which adds credibility to the article's claims. Additionally, it provides an example of an unusual event occurring in Japan that could potentially be related to the topic at hand, adding further depth and interest to the article.

However, there are some points of consideration that are missing from the article. For instance, while it mentions that Apple is confident in their ability to convince consumers to pay more for iPhones, it does not provide any evidence or data on how successful this strategy has been in the past or how much of an impact this potential price increase may have on sales figures. Additionally, while it mentions a potential environmental impact from a strange occurrence in Japan, it does not explore any other possible causes or implications of this event.

In conclusion, while this article appears reliable and trustworthy overall, there are some points of consideration that are missing from its reporting which could add further depth and insight into its claims.