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Article summary:

1. Clustering is a regional development model that concentrates activities in a specific region to establish sector-specific networks and improve productivity and competitiveness.

2. The clustering status of dairy producers in Turkey was examined, and it was found that there is a clustering effect for regional development in terms of value added per capita.

3. Ad hoc case studies have been the most applied method for studying clusters, followed by multivariate analysis and input-output tables, while quantitative approaches through mathematical simulation are just beginning to be included in cluster design.

Article analysis:

The article "Clustering Approach As a Regional Development Tool" by Nazan Yelkikalan discusses the concept of clustering as a regional development model and its impact on value-added per capita in Turkey's dairy sector. The author reviews various studies that have characterized, measured, or designed cluster systems to identify variables, approaches, study methods, and contributions to productivity and competitiveness improvement. The article concludes that there is a clustering effect for regional development in terms of value added per capita in Turkey.

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of clustering and its potential benefits for regional development. However, it lacks empirical evidence to support its claims about the impact of clustering on value-added per capita in Turkey's dairy sector. The author also fails to explore counterarguments or potential risks associated with clustering.

Moreover, the article appears to be biased towards promoting the benefits of clustering without presenting both sides equally. It does not discuss any potential drawbacks or limitations of this approach. Additionally, the article lacks clarity in terms of methodology and data sources used to arrive at its conclusions.

Overall, while the article provides an interesting perspective on the potential benefits of clustering as a regional development tool, it would benefit from more empirical evidence and a more balanced discussion of both advantages and disadvantages associated with this approach.