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Article summary:

1. Venture capitalists have been humbler in their approach to investing due to the pandemic and inflation.

2. Tiger Global reportedly admitted that it had underestimated inflation and overestimated the boost the pandemic would give to tech startups.

3. GIC's chief investment officer has become more sober in his approach to startup investing.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable, as it provides evidence for its claims by citing sources such as Tiger Global's letter to investors and Sequoia's apology to investors in its funds. The article also mentions GIC's chief investment officer, providing a quote from him about his more sober approach to startup investing. However, there are some potential biases present in the article, such as a lack of exploration of counterarguments or alternative perspectives on venture capital investments during the pandemic and inflation. Additionally, there is no mention of any risks associated with venture capital investments during this time period, which could be seen as a form of one-sided reporting or partiality towards venture capital investments. Furthermore, there is no discussion of any other potential solutions or strategies for dealing with the current economic climate that do not involve venture capital investments. All in all, while the article is generally reliable, it could benefit from exploring alternative perspectives and discussing potential risks associated with venture capital investments during this time period.