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Article summary:

1. The article presents a new approach to computing static corrections for CDP seismic reflection data.

2. The approach involves using cross-correlation computations to find time shifts that align the traces of each common-depth-point.

3. These shifts are expressed in terms of surface corrections, one for each source and receiver position, a residual NMO correction for each common-depth-point, and a fixed correction for each trace.

Article analysis:

The article is written by three authors who have expertise in the field of geophysics, which lends credibility to their claims. The article is well researched and provides detailed information about the new approach presented. It also cites 183 other sources, which further adds to its credibility. However, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with this approach or any counterarguments that could be made against it. Additionally, the article does not provide any evidence to support its claims or explore any unexplored points of consideration that could be relevant to the topic at hand. Furthermore, it does not present both sides equally or provide an unbiased view on the subject matter. As such, while the article is well researched and provides detailed information about its topic, it lacks some elements that would make it more trustworthy and reliable.