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Article summary:

1. The importance of measuring force and regulation in understanding the biomechanics of bench press exercises is discussed.

2. The use of net joint torque (NJM) and normalized NJM (nNJM) to measure muscle load and effort is explored.

3. The effects of different grip widths and elbow positions on upper limb kinematics, kinetics, and muscle activity are examined.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the biomechanics of bench press exercises, discussing the importance of measuring force and regulation in order to understand the exercise’s mechanics. It also explores the use of net joint torque (NJM) and normalized NJM (nNJM) to measure muscle load and effort, as well as examining the effects of different grip widths and elbow positions on upper limb kinematics, kinetics, and muscle activity.

The article appears to be reliable in its presentation of information, providing evidence for its claims through references to previous studies. It also presents both sides equally by exploring both positive and negative findings from previous research into grip widths and elbow positions during bench press exercises.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering this article’s trustworthiness. For example, it does not explore any possible risks associated with performing bench press exercises with different grip widths or elbow positions; nor does it discuss any potential counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the topic at hand. Additionally, while it does provide references to previous studies, it does not provide any evidence for its own claims or conclusions beyond citing these studies; thus making it difficult to assess their accuracy or validity without further investigation into these sources.