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Article summary:

1. UX research is a viable career option for anthropology graduates: The article highlights the potential for anthropology graduates, particularly those with a socio-cultural focus, to pursue a career in user experience (UX) research. It presents insights from 12 UX researchers with backgrounds in anthropology who discuss their experiences transitioning from anthropology to UX research.

2. Transferable skills and skill gaps: The article identifies transferable skills that anthropologists bring to a UX research career, such as empathy, understanding of context, qualitative methodologies, synthesis, and storytelling skills. However, it also highlights skill gaps that anthropology graduates may need to fill in order to be competitive candidates for UX research roles, including business training, usability testing/design, research operations, and quantitative methodologies.

3. Need for more focus on UX research as a career path for anthropologists: The interviews reveal the lack of emphasis on UX research as a career fit for anthropology graduates in academic programs. The article emphasizes the importance of informing anthropology students about the field of UX research earlier and inspiring them to bring their human-centric thinking and methodological training to the workplace.

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