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Article summary:

1. The article discusses a distributed immutabilization solution for secure logs, combining existing secure logging technology with the Bitcoin blockchain.

2. The solution guarantees the integrity of the logs, even if the logger is compromised, and prevents collusion due to its distributed nature.

3. Other proposals have been made that use the blockchain to immutabilize data, but this article is different in that it specifically focuses on immutabilizing logs and addresses challenges such as keeping information chained in order and supporting log generation speed constraints.

Article analysis:

The article provides an interesting proposal for a distributed immutabilization solution for secure logs, combining existing secure logging technology with the Bitcoin blockchain. The proposed solution is presented as a viable alternative to other solutions such as storage/replication of information or third party notary services, which may be expensive and difficult to maintain or rely on trusted services which could collude with attackers. The article does provide some evidence for its claims by citing references from previous works in the field, however there are some points of consideration that are missing from the discussion. For example, while it is noted that using the blockchain provides off-the-shelf distributed immutabilization, there is no mention of potential risks associated with using this technology such as scalability issues or security vulnerabilities related to smart contracts or consensus algorithms used by blockchains. Additionally, while other proposals are mentioned briefly in comparison to this work, they are not explored in depth nor are any counterarguments presented regarding their potential advantages over this proposed solution. Furthermore, while some evidence is provided for claims made throughout the article (e.g., references to previous works), there is no discussion of how these claims were tested or verified before being presented as fact in the article. In conclusion, while this article presents an interesting proposal for a distributed immutabilization solution for secure logs, more evidence should be provided regarding its trustworthiness and reliability before it can be accepted as fact.