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Article summary:

1. A DFN-FDEM model is presented to characterize the basalt rock blocks with hidden joints.

2. The REV size of the basalt rock blocks is determined by the size-dependency analysis of the comprehensive geometrical and mechanical properties.

3. The mechanical behavior characteristics and failure mechanism of the basalt rock blocks with increasing sample size are revealed.

Article analysis:

This article provides a detailed analysis of the mechanical behaviors and failure mechanisms of basalt rock blocks with hidden joints, using a synthetic rock mass (SRM) method comprising a discrete fracture network (DFN) model and a combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM) model. The article presents an in-depth discussion on the scale dependences of the mechanical behaviors of the block, as well as its representative element volume (REV) size, uniaxial compression results, peak strength, brittle-to-ductile transformation pressure, and failure modes.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall, as it provides detailed information on its research methods and results, as well as references to relevant literature for further reading. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, while the article does discuss various aspects of basalt rocks such as their origin and structure, it does not provide any information on other types of rocks or geological materials that may have similar properties or behaviors. Additionally, while it does discuss various aspects of mechanical behavior such as peak strength and brittle-to-ductile transformation pressure, it does not provide any information on other possible factors that could affect these behaviors such as temperature or humidity levels. Finally, while it discusses various failure modes for different sample sizes, it does not provide any information on how these failure modes may vary under different loading conditions or environmental factors.