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Article summary:

1. California has more than 100 gun laws, but two recent mass shootings have highlighted the limits of state power to stop American gun violence.

2. The accused gunmen in both shootings had weapons that were illegal to buy or sell in California, yet they were able to acquire them.

3. Gun rights advocates argue that more laws are not the answer, while gun safety groups are pushing for better enforcement and additional regulations.

Article analysis:

The article “California Has More Than 100 Gun Laws. Why Don’t They Stop More Mass Shootings?” is a well-researched and balanced piece of journalism that provides an overview of the current state of gun control in California and its limitations in preventing mass shootings. The article presents both sides of the debate fairly, citing sources from both gun rights advocates and gun safety groups to provide a comprehensive view of the issue. It also includes numerous facts and figures to back up its claims, such as statistics on gun deaths in California and data on restraining orders issued by the state.

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, it does not explore counterarguments or present any evidence for why stricter gun control measures may not be effective at preventing mass shootings. Additionally, it does not discuss potential risks associated with implementing new regulations or expanding existing ones, such as how they may infringe upon Second Amendment rights or lead to increased black market activity for firearms. Finally, while it mentions San Diego's success with obtaining restraining orders against individuals deemed dangerous, it does not provide any details on how other cities can replicate this model or what challenges they may face when doing so.

In conclusion, this article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its balanced approach and use of factual evidence to support its claims; however, there are some areas where it could be improved upon by exploring counterarguments and potential risks associated with new regulations as well as providing more details on successful models for obtaining restraining orders against dangerous individuals.