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Article summary:

1. The United States provides very little monetary military aid to countries like Saudi Arabia, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.

2. Most of the support the U.S. provides to these countries comes from the cost of having U.S. military bases in those countries.

3. The cost of keeping troops abroad is estimated to be around $10 billion a year, with Japan, South Korea, and Germany being the biggest contributors to this cost.

Article analysis:

The article titled "U.S. Foreign Military Support" from FactCheck.org provides an analysis of Donald Trump's criticism of U.S. military support for Saudi Arabia, Japan, Germany, and South Korea. The article examines the amount of monetary military aid provided by the U.S. to these countries and the cost of maintaining U.S. military bases in those countries.

One potential bias in the article is that it focuses primarily on the monetary military aid provided by the U.S., rather than considering other forms of support such as military equipment sales and training programs. While it is true that the U.S. provides very little monetary aid to these countries, it fails to fully explore the extent of other types of support.

The article also does not provide a balanced view of the benefits and risks associated with keeping U.S. troops abroad. It mentions some benefits such as improved operational response and deterrence to adversaries but does not thoroughly discuss potential risks or drawbacks.

Additionally, there are unsupported claims in the article, such as when it states that "the added cost and benefit [of maintaining U.S. military bases] is difficult to quantify." While it may be challenging to accurately measure the exact cost and benefit, more effort could have been made to provide evidence or estimates.

The article also lacks exploration of counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this issue. It presents Trump's criticism without offering any opposing viewpoints or arguments in favor of continued military support for these countries.

Furthermore, there is a lack of evidence provided for some claims made in the article. For example, it states that Japan contributed $2 billion towards the cost of keeping U.S. military bases there in 2012 but does not provide a source or further information to support this claim.

Overall, while the article provides some useful information about U.S. foreign military support, it falls short in terms of providing a comprehensive analysis and exploring all sides of the issue. There are biases present, unsupported claims, and missing evidence that weaken the overall credibility of the article.