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1. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) combines the qualities of rail transit and the flexibility of buses, making it a reliable and cost-effective transportation system compared to conventional buses, light-rail transit (LRT), and metro systems.

2. Automated Vehicle (AV) technology is being explored as a way to improve the efficiency of BRT systems. AVs use perception sensors and internal computation resources to navigate roads without human intervention. However, challenges such as limited sensor range and lack of cooperation with other vehicles and infrastructure still need to be addressed.

3. The use of V2X communication, such as Connected Vehicle (CV) and cooperative intelligent transportation system (C-ITS), offers opportunities for AVs in BRT systems. These technologies enable cooperative perception and driving, allowing vehicles to access shared data from surrounding vehicles and roadside infrastructure. This can improve driving efficiency, safety, and reduce hard acceleration and severe deceleration in BRT systems. However, there is a need for more research on the integration of CV and C-ITS technologies in BRT systems to optimize speed guidance for safe and efficient operation.

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