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Article summary:

1. The Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2019 and published a coffee table book called "75 Years Ahoy!" to commemorate the occasion.

2. SLAAS finally found a permanent home in a building made from Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC), which is produced using fly ash, a byproduct of the Norochcholai Coal Power Station.

3. The use of AAC blocks not only provides a productive use for fly ash, but also offers environmental benefits such as noise reduction and fire performance. It exemplifies the concept of industrial symbiosis and contributes to the development of a circular economy.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Built from ash: A building that houses Sri Lankan science speaks silently" provides an overview of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement for Science (SLAAS) and its new building, which is constructed using Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) made from fly ash generated by the Norochcholai Coal Power Station. While the article highlights the positive aspects of this development, there are several areas where a critical analysis is warranted.

1. Biases and Sources: The article does not provide any sources or references to support its claims about SLAAS's history or the benefits of AAC construction. This lack of evidence raises questions about the accuracy and reliability of the information presented.

2. One-sided Reporting: The article primarily focuses on the positive aspects of SLAAS's new building and AAC construction, without providing a balanced view or considering potential drawbacks or criticisms. It fails to address any potential environmental concerns associated with fly ash disposal or the overall sustainability of AAC as a construction material.

3. Unsupported Claims: The article claims that AAC accounts for 60% of construction in Germany and 40% in the United Kingdom, but no evidence is provided to support these figures. Without proper citation or data, these claims cannot be verified.

4. Missing Points of Consideration: The article does not discuss alternative construction materials or methods that could have been used instead of AAC. It also fails to mention any potential challenges or limitations associated with AAC construction, such as cost, availability of raw materials, or structural integrity.

5. Missing Evidence for Claims Made: The article states that AAC blocks have superior noise abatement and fire performance due to air pockets within the blocks but does not provide any evidence or data to support this claim. Without supporting evidence, it is difficult to assess the validity of this statement.

6. Unexplored Counterarguments: The article does not explore any potential counterarguments against the use of AAC construction or address any criticisms or concerns that may exist within the scientific community or among environmentalists. This lack of critical analysis undermines the credibility of the article.

7. Promotional Content: The article reads more like a promotional piece for SLAAS and AAC construction rather than an objective analysis. It emphasizes the positive aspects of SLAAS's new building and AAC technology without providing a balanced view or considering potential drawbacks.

8. Partiality: The article presents SLAAS and its new building in a highly positive light, without acknowledging any potential risks or challenges associated with the project. This one-sided approach undermines the objectivity and credibility of the article.

In conclusion, while the article provides some information about SLAAS's new building and AAC construction, it lacks critical analysis, supporting evidence, and a balanced perspective. It is important to approach this article with skepticism and seek additional sources to verify the claims made and consider alternative viewpoints.