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Article summary:

1. Wireless charging is a convenient and efficient method for charging electric vehicles (EVs) anywhere, even while driving. Advanced mathematical models are needed to accurately calculate the charging power based on factors such as coil parameters, shapes, compensation topology, and whether the system is static or dynamic.

2. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of wireless charging systems for EVs, including common charging topologies and architectures. It focuses on the mathematical models used to calculate the electrical power based on the EV's situation on streets and its speed. This analysis allows for evaluating EV autonomy and determining an accurate approximation when an EV is on a wireless charging road.

3. The article also discusses the potential of renewable energy in supporting the deployment of wireless charging technology for EVs. It explores how energy transmitter tools can be improved and highlights the benefits of using wireless power transfer in conjunction with renewable energy sources.

Overall, this article provides valuable insights into the various aspects of wireless charging systems for electric vehicles, including mathematical modeling, system architecture, and the role of renewable energy.

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