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Article summary:

1. The speed of light was first estimated by the 17th century astronomer Römer, who observed eclipses of Jupiter's satellite Io and determined that the speed of light was approximately 210,000 km per second.

2. Light travels at different speeds in different mediums, with its speed in a vacuum being 299,792.458 km per second.

3. The closest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri, which is 4.3 light years away from Earth - meaning it takes 4.3 years for its light to reach Earth.

Article analysis:

The article provides an accurate overview of the speed of light and how it travels through different mediums such as air, water, glass and other solids. It also provides a brief history of how the speed of light was first estimated by Römer in the 17th century and gives an example of how far away Proxima Centauri is from Earth in terms of light years.

The article does not provide any sources or references to back up its claims, which makes it difficult to assess its trustworthiness and reliability. Additionally, there are no counterarguments presented or any discussion about potential risks associated with travelling at the speed of light or using it for communication purposes. Furthermore, there is no mention of any potential biases or one-sided reporting in the article which could be seen as a sign that it is not presenting both sides equally or fairly.

In conclusion, while this article provides an accurate overview of the speed of light and how it travels through different mediums, it lacks sources or references to back up its claims as well as any discussion about potential risks associated with travelling at the speed of light or using it for communication purposes which makes it difficult to assess its trustworthiness and reliability accurately.