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Article summary:

1. This article examines the moderating role of home subnational institutions on the internationalization of Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs).

2. The authors found that institutional compatibility between the home and host countries is an important factor in determining the success of SOE internationalization.

3. The study also suggests that home subnational institutions can play a significant role in mitigating potential risks associated with SOE internationalization.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the moderating role of home subnational institutions on the internationalization of Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The authors use a qualitative research approach to analyze data from interviews with executives from various Chinese SOEs, as well as secondary sources such as academic journals and government documents. The findings suggest that institutional compatibility between the home and host countries is an important factor in determining the success of SOE internationalization, and that home subnational institutions can play a significant role in mitigating potential risks associated with SOE internationalization.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall, as it is based on empirical evidence gathered through interviews with executives from various Chinese SOEs, as well as secondary sources such as academic journals and government documents. Furthermore, the authors provide detailed explanations for their findings, which helps to strengthen their conclusions. However, there are some potential biases present in the article which should be noted. For example, since all of the data was collected from Chinese SOEs, it may not be representative of other types of organizations or countries. Additionally, since only one country was studied for this research, it may not be applicable to other contexts or cultures. Finally, while the authors do discuss potential risks associated with SOE internationalization, they do not explore any possible counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this issue.