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Article summary:

1. Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a common chronic degenerative disease that affects 22% of the population.

2. The meniscus is an important part of the knee joint and can be both a cause and consequence of KOA.

3. This study used bibliometric analysis to identify research trends and hot topics in KOA and meniscus research over the past two decades.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the research trends and hot topics in knee osteoarthritis (KOA) and meniscus research over the past two decades, using bibliometric analysis. The authors have used reliable sources such as Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science database to retrieve data for their analysis, which adds to the trustworthiness of their findings. Furthermore, they have used appropriate software such as CiteSpace V and R software, VOS viewer, and Microsoft Excel 2019 for data analysis and visualization, which further adds to the reliability of their results.

However, there are some potential biases in this article that should be noted. Firstly, the authors have not discussed any possible risks associated with KOA or meniscal injuries that could arise from their findings. Secondly, they have not presented both sides equally when discussing previous studies on KOA or meniscal injuries; instead they have focused mainly on studies that support their hypothesis without exploring counterarguments or other points of view. Finally, there is no mention of any promotional content in this article which could lead readers to believe that all information provided is unbiased and objective.

In conclusion, while this article provides an interesting insight into research trends in KOA and meniscus research over the past two decades using bibliometric analysis, it does contain some potential biases which should be taken into consideration when interpreting its findings.