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Article summary:

1. Dealerships use a "four-square" sheet to manipulate buyers into paying more for a car.

2. Buyers should get financing through a credit union before going to the dealership and only haggle over the price.

3. The four-square is designed to make buyers focus on monthly payments rather than the overall price of the car, and dealerships will manipulate trade-in values to make up for any differences in price.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Dealerships Rip You Off With the 'Four-Square,' Here's How to Beat It" by Alan Slone provides a detailed breakdown of how car dealerships use the four-square technique to manipulate buyers. The author, a former used car salesman, offers five tips for buyers to beat the system and avoid getting ripped off.

The article is informative and provides useful insights into the tactics used by car dealerships. However, it is important to note that the author's perspective is biased as he is a former car salesman who has grown a conscience. Therefore, his views may be influenced by his personal experiences and may not represent all car salesmen or dealerships.

One-sided reporting is evident in the article as it only presents the negative aspects of the four-square technique without exploring any potential benefits for buyers. For example, the four-square can help buyers understand how their trade-in value affects their monthly payments and overall purchase price. Additionally, some buyers may prefer to negotiate based on monthly payments rather than total purchase price.

The article also makes unsupported claims such as stating that "most people miss" the tip about not haggling over anything but the price. This claim lacks evidence and may not be true for all buyers.

Missing points of consideration include factors such as dealership overhead costs, inventory management, and profit margins. While these factors do not excuse unethical behavior by dealerships, they do provide context for why negotiations may be challenging at times.

Unexplored counterarguments include potential benefits of financing through a dealership rather than a credit union or bank. Dealerships may offer promotional financing rates or incentives that could save buyers money in the long run.

Promotional content is evident in the article's tips for beating the four-square technique. While these tips are helpful for buyers, they also promote a sense of distrust towards car dealerships and salesmen.

Partiality is evident in the article's portrayal of sales managers as "scummiest people you'll ever meet." This language is inflammatory and does not provide an objective view of sales managers' roles within dealerships.

Possible risks are noted in the article's discussion of walking out during negotiations. Buyers should be aware that walking out could result in losing out on a potentially good deal or missing out on purchasing their desired vehicle altogether.

Overall, while this article provides valuable insights into how car dealerships use tactics like the four-square technique to manipulate buyers, it is important to consider its biases and limitations when evaluating its claims.