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Article summary:

1. An advertisement for IT courses can be misleading and only aimed at collecting tuition fees.

2. Some programming languages may require knowledge of multiple languages to work, and completing online courses may not be valued by employers.

3. Discrimination and lack of support for beginners can be present in IT training programs, leading to disappointment and frustration.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Как обманывают на It-курсах и что скрывает реклама профессии программиста?" (How IT courses deceive and what the advertising of the programmer profession hides?) published on vc.ru discusses the author's experience with a 1C franchise company that offers programming courses. The article highlights several issues with the training, including discrimination against beginners, poor teaching quality, and false promises made by the advertising.

The article appears to be biased towards a negative view of IT courses and programming as a profession. The author's personal experience is used to generalize about all IT courses and programming jobs, which may not be representative of the industry as a whole. Additionally, there is no mention of any positive experiences or successful outcomes from other students who have taken similar courses.

The article also makes unsupported claims about the labor market for programmers. While it is true that some employers may prefer candidates with more experience or formal education, it is not accurate to say that online courses or just courses are not valued at all. Many companies offer training programs for their employees or accept candidates with non-traditional backgrounds if they can demonstrate relevant skills.

Furthermore, the article overlooks some important points of consideration when choosing an IT course or career path. For example, it does not discuss the importance of researching different options and understanding one's own interests and strengths before committing to a particular program. It also does not address potential risks associated with changing careers or investing in education without a clear plan for how to use those skills in the job market.

Overall, while the article raises some valid concerns about certain aspects of IT training programs, it presents a one-sided view that may mislead readers into thinking that all IT courses are scams or that programming jobs are not worth pursuing. A more balanced approach would consider both positive and negative aspects of this field and provide evidence-based recommendations for those interested in pursuing a career in IT.