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Article summary:

1. This article discusses the dynamic path planning of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to avoid static and moving obstacles.

2. It reviews existing research on UAVs, including optimal path planning and sensor placement, deployment and search strategies, zoning services areas for package delivery, target assignment and UAV path planning with timing constraints, distributed circumnavigation control with arbitrary spacings for a heterogeneous multi-robot system, remote sensing in mapping of damaged buildings after earthquakes, gas detection and mapping with UAVs, ground risk maps for UAVs in urban environments, drone simulators, accident location determination using UAVs, fuzzy logic based robot path planning in unknown environments, and path-planning strategies for point mobile automata amidst unknown obstacles.

3. The article also presents new research on UAV dynamic trajectory planning using sparse A* search and improved artificial potential field optimization techniques such as simulated annealing and evolutionary algorithms.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its comprehensive review of existing research on UAVs as well as its presentation of new research on dynamic trajectory planning for UAVs. The sources cited are all reputable academic journals or conferences which adds to the trustworthiness of the article. Furthermore, the authors provide detailed descriptions of their proposed methods which allows readers to understand how they work.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the authors focus mainly on the benefits of using UAVs without discussing any potential risks or drawbacks associated with them. Additionally, while the authors do mention some counterarguments to their proposed methods such as computational complexity or scalability issues they do not explore these arguments in depth which could lead to a one-sided view of their proposed methods.

In conclusion, this article is generally reliable but it should be read critically in order to identify any potential biases or missing points of consideration that may have been overlooked by the authors.