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Article summary:

1. The best protein sources for building muscle are those with high digestibility and essential amino acid content, such as protein powder, meat, fish, and dairy products.

2. A vegan diet can lead to similar increases in muscle size and strength compared to an animal-based diet if enough daily protein is consumed and spread out throughout the day.

3. Protein intake should be around 0.73g/lb of bodyweight per day to maximize muscle growth, but going above 1.2g/lb may be unnecessary and additional calories could be better used towards carbs for energy. Spacing out protein intake evenly throughout the day is important for muscle protein synthesis levels.

Article analysis:

The article titled "The BEST Way to Use Protein to Build Muscle (Based on Science)" provides information on maximizing protein's muscle-building benefits. However, there are several aspects of the article that need critical analysis.

Firstly, the article mentions that protein sources with high digestibility and essential amino acid content are most effective for building muscle, such as protein powder, meat, fish, and dairy products. It also states that plant-based protein sources do not score well in terms of muscle building. While this may be true to some extent, it fails to mention that plant-based protein sources can still provide sufficient amino acids for muscle growth when consumed in adequate amounts and combined properly. This omission creates a bias towards animal-based protein sources.

Furthermore, the article highlights a study that found whole eggs to be superior for muscle growth compared to egg whites alone. However, it fails to mention other factors that could have contributed to this result, such as overall nutrient composition or individual variations in response. This lack of context undermines the credibility of the claim.

Additionally, the article discusses a study comparing vegan and animal-based diets and their effects on muscle size and strength. While it acknowledges similar outcomes between the two diets, it emphasizes the importance of consuming enough daily protein and spreading it throughout the day. However, it does not address other potential differences between these diets, such as nutrient density or overall dietary patterns. This narrow focus limits the understanding of how different dietary choices can impact muscle growth.

Moreover, the article provides a recommended protein intake of 0.73 g/lb of bodyweight per day for maximizing growth but fails to provide sufficient evidence or references supporting this claim. It also suggests increasing protein intake when in a calorie deficit without providing substantial evidence or considering potential risks associated with high-protein diets.

The article briefly mentions that age can affect protein sensitivity but lacks specific evidence or recommendations for older individuals who may have different nutritional needs for muscle growth.

Furthermore, the article promotes a "done-for-you science-based plan" and includes links to external sources, which raises questions about potential biases and conflicts of interest. It is important to critically evaluate the credibility and motives behind such promotional content.

Overall, the article presents some scientific information on protein intake for muscle growth but lacks comprehensive analysis, unbiased reporting, and sufficient evidence for its claims. It selectively focuses on certain aspects while neglecting others, potentially leading to a one-sided perspective.