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Article summary:

1. When determining if something is true, ask yourself three main questions: who said it, what evidence did they give, and how much do you want to believe it?

2. Consider the source of the information and whether they are trustworthy in that subject area.

3. Be aware of your emotions and how they can influence your perception of truth, especially when it comes to messages that evoke strong emotions.

Article analysis:

The article titled "How can you tell if something is true? Here are 3 questions to ask yourself about what you see, hear and read" provides guidance on determining the truthfulness of information. While the article offers some useful advice, it also exhibits potential biases, one-sided reporting, unsupported claims, missing evidence, and unexplored counterarguments.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on media literacy and the importance of fact-checking. The author emphasizes the need to verify sources and evidence, which is a valid point. However, this emphasis may lead readers to question the credibility of all sources and become overly skeptical. It would be more balanced to acknowledge that not all information requires extensive fact-checking and that some sources can be trusted without thorough verification.

Additionally, the article presents a one-sided view by primarily discussing misinformation and fake news. While it is important to address these issues, it fails to mention that not all information is intentionally misleading or false. There are many reliable sources of information that provide accurate and trustworthy content. By focusing solely on misinformation, the article may create an atmosphere of distrust towards all sources.

Furthermore, the article makes unsupported claims without providing evidence or examples. For instance, it states that messages that evoke strong emotions are the most important ones to check but does not provide any data or research to support this claim. Without supporting evidence, readers may question the validity of such statements.

The article also lacks exploration of counterarguments or alternative perspectives. It presents a narrow view that suggests individuals should always be skeptical and verify everything they encounter. However, there could be arguments made for trusting certain sources based on their track record or reputation. By failing to explore these counterarguments, the article presents a limited perspective on how to determine truthfulness.

Moreover, there is promotional content within the article when it mentions specific websites like Snopes and ISTE as fact-checking resources without providing alternatives or acknowledging potential biases of these sources. This promotional content may lead readers to rely solely on these sources without considering other options.

The article also exhibits partiality by focusing on specific age groups, such as children and older adults, when discussing susceptibility to misinformation. While it is important to address the vulnerability of certain demographics, it would be more balanced to acknowledge that people of all ages can fall victim to false information.

Additionally, the article does not adequately address potential risks associated with fact-checking and verifying sources. It fails to mention that even reputable sources can make mistakes or have biases. By not acknowledging this risk, the article may give readers a false sense of security in relying solely on verified sources.

Overall, while the article provides some useful advice on determining truthfulness, it exhibits potential biases, one-sided reporting, unsupported claims, missing evidence, unexplored counterarguments, promotional content, partiality, and a lack of consideration for potential risks. Readers should approach the information presented with critical thinking and consider alternative perspectives and sources before drawing conclusions.