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Article summary:

1. Fat in meat contributes to the taste and nutritional value of meat.

2. There is a chemical perception of dietary fat in the oral cavity, and the amount and type of fat influence two major components of meat quality: tenderness and flavour.

3. Different species have different fatty acid compositions, and there are important differences between essential and non-essential fatty acids in terms of their nutritional value.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable, as it provides evidence for its claims from multiple sources such as studies conducted by Forrest et al., Webb, Wood et al., Lin et al., Laaksonen et al., Öhlund et al., Hiraoka et al., Gatellier et al., Descalzo et al. The article also provides a short history of lipids which adds to its credibility.

However, the article does not provide any counterarguments or explore any potential risks associated with consuming animal fats or meat products with high fat content. It also does not present both sides equally; instead it focuses mainly on the positive aspects of fat in meat without providing an equal amount of information about potential risks associated with consuming animal fats or meat products with high fat content. Additionally, some claims made in the article are unsupported; for example, the claim that “fat is an unpopular constituent of meat” is not supported by any evidence or research data.

In conclusion, while this article is generally reliable due to its use of multiple sources to support its claims, it could be improved by providing more balanced information about potential risks associated with consuming animal fats or meat products with high fat content as well as providing more evidence to support its claims.