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Article summary:

1. This paper highlights the importance of domestic actors in influencing a state's foreign policy, and suggests that the strength of Islamist opposition parties in Muslim-majority states contributes to determining the level of military aid accepted from the United States.

2. After 9/11, the US expanded its security relations through military aid towards other recipient states vulnerable to threats from terrorism.

3. It is argued that an important constraint determining the extent of military aid accepted by Muslim-majority states was the strength of religious opposition parties, as they could produce enough anti-US public sentiment to threaten both the incumbent regime and security relation.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of how Islamist opposition parties can influence a state’s security cooperation with another state, in this case, with the United States. The article is well researched and provides evidence for its claims such as citing relevant literature and providing examples from two countries (Algeria and Tunisia). The article also acknowledges potential biases such as coercion by the stronger donor state towards recipients, which could lead to loyalty between military cadres in both states if regime change is desired by the donor state.

However, there are some points that could be further explored or considered in order to make this article more reliable and trustworthy. For example, while it is acknowledged that Islamist opposition parties can have an influence on security cooperation between two states, there is no mention of other types of opposition parties or their potential influence on security cooperation. Additionally, while it is suggested that strong Islamist oppositions can be used as leverage by recipient states when accepting military aid from a stronger ally like the US, there is no discussion about what happens if these oppositions become too strong or powerful – would this then lead to less acceptance of military aid? Furthermore, while it is noted that US interference in domestic politics should be taken into consideration when accepting military aid from them, there is no discussion about how this interference might manifest itself or what form it might take.

In conclusion, while this article provides an interesting perspective on how Islamist opposition parties can influence security cooperation between two states, there are still some areas which need further exploration in order to make it more reliable and trustworthy.