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Article summary:

1. McAfee security products for Windows or macOS, such as LiveSafe or Total Protection, allow users to exclude individual files from being scanned for viruses.

2. Exclusions can be applied to Real-Time, Scheduled, On-Demand, and command line scanning.

3. Users must be using version 16.0.37 or later for files to be excluded from all scan types; otherwise the exclusions only apply to Real-Time Scanning.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its content and presentation of information regarding how to exclude files from virus scans on Windows or macOS using McAfee security products such as LiveSafe or Total Protection. The article provides clear instructions on how to add files to the exclusion list and explains the differences between the new and legacy user interfaces of the McAfee software on PCs and Macs. It also provides useful links for further information about antivirus protection and virus cleaning, as well as instructions on how to check which version of McAfee software is installed and how to update it if necessary.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, it does not provide any information about other antivirus software that may be available for Windows or macOS systems, nor does it mention any potential risks associated with excluding certain files from virus scans (e.g., increased vulnerability). Additionally, while the article does provide instructions on how to turn off real-time scanning if needed, it does not explain why this might be necessary or what risks may be associated with doing so (e.g., decreased protection against malware). Finally, while the article does provide useful links for further information about antivirus protection and virus cleaning, these links are all related to McAfee products rather than providing a more comprehensive overview of available options from other vendors.