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Article summary:

1. This article discusses the nonclassicality generated by applying Hermite–Polynomials Photon-Added Operator on the Even/Odd Coherent States.

2. It references several studies that have explored the properties of generalized coherent states, photon subtraction and addition, and entangled coherent states.

3. The article also examines the quantum statistical properties of Hermite-excited squeezed thermal states and their decoherence.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its presentation of research findings related to nonclassicality generated by applying Hermite–Polynomials Photon-Added Operator on the Even/Odd Coherent States. The authors provide a comprehensive list of references to support their claims, which demonstrates their commitment to providing an unbiased account of the topic. Furthermore, they present both sides of the argument equally, exploring both positive and negative aspects of the research findings.

The only potential bias in this article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the topic at hand. While this may be due to space constraints or other factors, it is important for readers to be aware that there may be other points of view that are not represented in this article. Additionally, some readers may find that more detail could have been provided regarding certain topics discussed in the article; however, overall it provides a thorough overview of its subject matter.