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Article summary:

1. Snap is available for the latest release of Linux Mint, 21.1 (Vera), and for older releases from Linux Mint 18.2 (Sonya) onwards.

2. A file called nosnap.pref needs to be either moved or removed from /etc/apt/preferences.d/ before Snap can be installed.

3. To install snap, search for snapd in the Software Manager application or install it from the command line, then restart your machine or log out and in again to complete the installation.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed guide on how to install Snap on Linux Mint, which is useful for users who are unfamiliar with the process. The instructions are clear and easy to follow, making it an effective resource for those looking to install Snap on their system.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering the trustworthiness of this article. Firstly, it does not provide any information about alternative methods of installing Snap on Linux Mint other than through the Software Manager application or command line – this could lead readers to believe that these are the only two options available when in fact there may be other ways of doing so that have not been mentioned here. Additionally, while the article does mention possible risks associated with installing Snap (such as needing to move a file from its original location), it does not go into detail about what these risks might be or how they can be avoided – this could leave readers feeling uncertain about whether they should proceed with installation or not.

Finally, while the article was last updated 3 days ago at the time of writing, it is unclear how often updates are made and whether any new information has been added since then – this could mean that readers may be missing out on important changes or developments related to installing Snap on Linux Mint that have occurred since then but have not been included in this article yet.

In conclusion, while this article provides a useful guide for installing Snap on Linux Mint systems, there are some potential biases and omissions that should be taken into consideration when assessing its trustworthiness and reliability as a source of information.