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Article summary:

1. Alpha power modulation is a robust finding in electrophysiological studies of visual and auditory spatial attention.

2. An auditory paradigm was designed to demonstrate that alpha power modulation is closely linked to oculomotor action.

3. Multivariate analyses allowed the prediction of sound location in the horizontal plane, even when derived from signals capturing saccadic activity.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the research conducted on brain areas associated with visual and auditory spatial attention, as well as their topographic organization during auditory spatial attention. The authors present evidence for their hypothesis that attending to an auditory target engages oculomotor and visual cortical areas in a topographic manner akin to the retinotopic organization associated with visual attention. The article is well-structured and clearly written, making it easy to follow the authors’ arguments and conclusions.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided, as it presents both sides of the argument equally and objectively. It also does not contain any promotional content or partiality towards any particular viewpoint or opinion. Furthermore, all claims made are supported by evidence from relevant studies, which adds credibility to the article's findings. Additionally, possible risks are noted throughout the article, such as potential limitations of EEG recordings due to individual differences in brain anatomy and physiology.

The only potential issue with this article is that some counterarguments may have been overlooked or unexplored by the authors; however, this does not detract from its overall trustworthiness and reliability. In conclusion, this article can be considered reliable and trustworthy due to its objective presentation of both sides of the argument, its lack of bias or partiality towards any particular viewpoint or opinion, its support for all claims made with evidence from relevant studies, and its acknowledgement of possible risks associated with EEG recordings due to individual differences in brain anatomy and physiology.