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Article summary:

1. The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationships among critical TQM factors and their impact on business results.

2. The study utilized survey data obtained from US manufacturing companies and tested 23 hypotheses using structural equation modeling.

3. The results of the study can be used by managers to prioritize the implementation of TQM practices that have a positive impact on business results.

Article analysis:

The article "Critical linkages among TQM factors and business results" by Sila and Ebrahimpour provides an empirical investigation of the relationships between critical Total Quality Management (TQM) factors and business results. The study uses survey data obtained from US manufacturing companies to test 23 hypotheses regarding the relationships among TQM factors and business results using structural equation modeling (SEM).

The article provides a comprehensive review of previous studies conducted in this area, which forms the basis for the current study. However, the article does not provide a detailed discussion of potential biases or limitations in these previous studies, which could affect the validity of their findings.

The authors use multiple, distinct indicators for each factor to test an elaborate SEM model of the relationships among these factors. This approach is commendable as it allows for a more accurate analysis of the complex relationships between TQM factors and business results.

The study's findings suggest that there are significant positive relationships between TQM practices and business results. The authors recommend that managers prioritize implementing those practices that have a positive impact on business results to allocate resources effectively.

However, there are some limitations to this study. For instance, the data were obtained through mail surveys and relied on respondents' perceptions. This limitation could affect the accuracy of the data collected as respondents may not accurately represent their company's practices or performance.

Additionally, while the article discusses previous studies' findings on TQM-performance relationships, it does not explore counterarguments or alternative perspectives that may challenge its conclusions. This lack of exploration could limit readers' understanding of potential criticisms or limitations to this study's findings.

Overall, "Critical linkages among TQM factors and business results" provides valuable insights into how TQM practices can impact business results. However, readers should be aware of potential biases or limitations in previous studies and consider alternative perspectives when interpreting its findings.