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Article summary:

1. Recently, it has been pointed out that 'room cafes' are being used as places for sex by teenagers.

2. A youth group criticized the government's plan to strengthen crackdowns on these cafes, saying it criminalizes adolescent sexual behavior itself.

3. The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family sent an official letter to local governments across the country, asking for guidance and strengthening crackdowns on establishments that prohibit youth access and employment in new and deviant room cafes.

Article analysis:

This article is generally reliable in its reporting of the issue at hand, but there are some potential biases present in the article which should be noted. Firstly, the article does not provide any evidence or sources to back up its claims about “room cafes” being used as places for sex by teenagers. This could lead readers to believe that this is a widespread problem without any proof to back up this claim. Additionally, while the article does mention a youth group criticizing the government’s plan to strengthen crackdowns on these cafes, it does not provide any counterarguments from other groups or individuals who may support such measures. Furthermore, while the article mentions that physical contact or sexual activity takes place in these cafes, it fails to explore any possible risks associated with such activities or how they can be prevented. Finally, while the article mentions that an official letter was sent by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family asking for guidance and strengthening crackdowns on establishments that prohibit youth access and employment in new and deviant room cafes, it fails to mention what kind of guidance was requested or what kind of measures were proposed for strengthening crackdowns. All of these points should have been explored further in order to provide a more balanced view of the issue at hand.