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Article summary:

1. China's young adults are resisting marriage and having children, posing a threat to Beijing's efforts to address the country's demographic crisis.

2. The resistance to early marriage is strongly on display in social media and daily life, with many young Chinese prioritizing their careers and self-fulfillment over starting a family.

3. Experts suggest that the government could take tangible measures such as creating job opportunities for young Chinese and making it easier for young couples to raise children to address the situation.

Article analysis:

The article "‘Stop nagging!’: Why China’s young adults are resisting marriage and babies" by The Guardian discusses the trend of young Chinese people delaying marriage and having children, which is seen as a threat to Beijing's efforts to address the country's demographic crisis. The article highlights that many young Chinese people prioritize their careers and self-fulfillment over starting a family, and that women in particular have fewer ambitions to get married.

While the article provides some interesting insights into the reasons behind this trend, it also has some potential biases and missing points of consideration. For example, the article focuses primarily on the perspective of young Chinese people who resist early marriage, without exploring the views of those who do want to get married and have children at a younger age. This one-sided reporting could give readers a skewed view of the situation in China.

Additionally, while the article mentions that Beijing has introduced policies such as scrapping the one-child policy and introducing a three-child policy to encourage more births, it does not explore whether these policies are effective or sufficient in addressing China's demographic challenges. The article also does not provide evidence for some of its claims, such as that young Chinese women prioritize their careers over getting married after university education.

Overall, while this article provides some interesting insights into why young Chinese people are delaying marriage and having children, it could benefit from presenting a more balanced view of the issue and providing more evidence for its claims.