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Article summary:

1. People with symptoms of COVID-19 should do a self-test.

2. Testing by the municipal health service (GGD) is only available for specific groups.

3. Coronavirus self-tests and getting tested by the GGD are two different tasks.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable, as it provides accurate information about coronavirus testing procedures in the Netherlands. The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided, as it presents both options for testing (self-testing and testing by the GGD). It also does not contain any promotional content or partiality towards either option. The article does not present any risks associated with either option, but this could be addressed in future articles to provide a more comprehensive overview of the topic. Additionally, while the article does provide some detail about who can get tested by the GGD, it could benefit from providing more information about what other groups may qualify for this type of testing. All in all, this article is generally trustworthy and reliable, though there are some areas that could be improved upon in future articles on this topic.