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Article summary:

1. The Navy has released dates and details for the Active Duty and Reserve Full-Time Support (FTS) Navy-Wide Advancement Exam Cycle 255.

2. All active and FTS E-4 advancement exams are canceled, with qualified E-3s selected for advancement using an alternate rank order final multiple process.

3. E-5 and E-6 exams will be given during set testing windows, with Sailors needing to complete their Professional Military Knowledge Eligibility Exams (PMK-EE) by Jan. 31.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in its reporting of the Navy's announcement of dates and details for the Active Duty and Reserve Full-Time Support (FTS) Navy-Wide Advancement Exam Cycle 255, as well as the cancellation of all active and FTS E-4 advancement exams, with qualified E-3s selected for advancement using an alternate rank order final multiple process. The article also accurately reports that E-5 and E-6 exams will be given during set testing windows, with Sailors needing to complete their Professional Military Knowledge Eligibility Exams (PMK-EE) by Jan. 31.

The article does not appear to have any biases or one sided reporting, as it presents both sides of the issue fairly without taking a particular stance on either side. It also provides sufficient evidence to support its claims, such as citing NAVADMIN 260/21 which contains key dates and milestones for Sailors and Commands related to the exam cycle, as well as Fleet feedback from previous rank order advancements which has been positive with no negative performance reported from those advanced this way.

The only potential issue is that the article does not explore any counterarguments or present any risks associated with this new procedure; however, since this is a news story rather than an opinion piece it is understandable why these points are not discussed in detail. Additionally, there is no promotional content or partiality present in the article which could lead readers astray from understanding the facts presented in it accurately.