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Article summary:

1. This paper presents an objective quantitative analysis of costs and benefits for customer-side battery storage systems (BSS).

2. It develops simple but effective guidelines for determining the most cost-effective battery size.

3. The proposed analytical sizing methods provide engineering insights on how the optimal battery size varies with system characteristics.

Article analysis:

The article “Analytical Sizing Methods for Behind-the-Meter Battery Storage” is a comprehensive overview of the potential value of BSS in payment reduction and the optimal size, as well as the development of simple but effective guidelines for determining the most cost-effective battery size. The article is written in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to understand and follow. The authors have provided detailed information on various ESS technologies, their technical and economic characteristics, control algorithms, sizing strategies, and optimization solvers used to obtain numerical solutions.

The article is reliable in terms of its content as it provides an objective quantitative analysis of costs and benefits for customer-side BSS, which is supported by practical building load profile and utility rate data. Furthermore, the authors have presented both sides of the argument equally by providing a comprehensive overview of various ESS technologies and their applications in grid operations.

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, while the authors have discussed various ESS technologies such as pumped hydro, flywheel, compressed air etc., they have not explored any counterarguments or risks associated with these technologies that may affect their performance or reliability in grid operations. Additionally, while the authors have provided detailed information on mathematical programming based methods used to obtain numerical solutions for optimal sizing problems, they have not discussed any potential biases or sources that may affect these results.

In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive overview of various ESS technologies and their applications in grid operations along with an objective quantitative analysis of costs and benefits for customer-side BSS. However, there are some areas where further exploration is needed such as exploring counterarguments or risks associated with these technologies that may affect their performance or reliability in grid operations as well as discussing potential biases or sources that may affect mathematical programming based methods used to obtain numerical solutions for optimal sizing problems.