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Article summary:

1. Hematuria is fairly common and can be transient or persistent.

2. In older patients, there is an appreciable risk of malignancy associated with hematuria.

3. The etiology and evaluation of hematuria in adults is discussed, including gross and microscopic hematuria, as well as the role of the urinalysis in distinguishing glomerular from nonglomerular bleeding.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the etiology and evaluation of hematuria in adults. It covers both gross and microscopic hematuria, as well as the role of the urinalysis in distinguishing glomerular from nonglomerular bleeding. The article also mentions that there is an appreciable risk of malignancy associated with hematuria in older patients, although it does not provide any evidence to support this claim. Additionally, while the article does mention some potential causes for red to brown urine other than bleeding into the urinary tract (eg, porphyria), it does not explore any other possible causes or counterarguments that could be considered when evaluating a patient with hematuria. Furthermore, while the article states that all topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and peer review process is complete, it does not provide any information on how often these updates occur or who is involved in the peer review process. Therefore, while this article provides a comprehensive overview of the etiology and evaluation of hematuria in adults, more information should be provided regarding its trustworthiness and reliability before it can be considered completely reliable and trustworthy.